You Already Have a Space for Entrepreneurship

And you’re probably calling it something else

I have visited dozens of schools in the last few years and the number one comment I get from heads of school and administrators is “we don’t have a greenhouse or a teaching kitchen—we don’t even have a space for a coffee bar. How can we do entrepreneurship?”

And I love this question because the answer is “You already have the perfect space.”

That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship programming—it doesn’t require a ready-made space that was perfectly designed to facilitate innovative, hands-on education. In most cases, schools are already doing entrepreneurship work without knowing it.

Ask yourself these questions:

Where, on our campus, do students enjoying hanging out? Which classroom teachers regularly create the most engaging lessons? Do we have any spaces currently not being used to their full potential?

Most likely, the answers to these questions will lead to a thriving entrepreneurship program. Most schools have areas which create a natural gravitational pull for students—these are great spaces to launch kiosk-style businesses. Most schools have a few incredibly engaging teachers who are pushing beyond traditional education and doing innovative lessons in their classrooms—these are spaces where entrepreneurship thrives. And finally, almost every school has an under-used space that is calling out for student-run entrepreneurship, from defunct school stores to storage closets to “in need of renovation” concession stands to ticket boxes.

Entrepreneurship education does not require a hefty startup cost for a school; instead, it requires a head of school and a team of administrators who are willing to give inspiring teachers the necessary freedom, resources, and autonomy to create amazing programs—and with this, comes the permission to fail.

Because of this, there is no such thing as a “plug and play” program that all schools can adopt—each school has unique challenges and opportunities which should be embraced and with the right mindset, entrepreneurship programming will thrive.

Trust me—I’ve seen it firsthand. As I’ve started working with schools to help them launch their own entrepreneurship programming, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen successes and I’ve seen failures, and it all comes down to the way in which the school’s leadership team embraces the entrepreneurial mindset.

Reach out to learn more.

Formerly a storage room, then innovation space, then our 7th and 8th grade Mini Cup business

Spaces are Filling Up for the CHCA Entrepreneurship Symposium…

RSVP Today to Reserve Spots for Your Team

Register now for…

The CHCA Entrepreneurship Symposium, March 7-8, 2024, at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy

Two Days of Value-Packed Content alongside Real-world Examples from our Ten Years of Entrepreneurship Programming. Attendees will:

  • See multiple student-run businesses first-hand including a fully-equipped coffee bar, a greenhouse business, a wood-fired pizza oven, and a video production team

  • Obtain curricular outlines and plans to start or enhance entrepreneurship programming

  • Spend two days with Stephen Carter, program director, author, speaker, and consultant whose mission is to develop the entrepreneurial mindset in all learners.

  • Learn the inner-workings of a nationally recognized entrepreneurship program complete with six student-run businesses, 15 elective courses, and a certificate track.

  • Hear from highly influential speakers on entrepreneurship education

  • Receive enormous value-add for your school

Who this is for:

  • Schools who want to engage students in a meaningful, Christ-centered way with real-world practical skills for success

  • Schools who want to begin to develop alternative revenue streams to become less tuition-dependent

  • Schools who are focused on growth both internally and externally

Who should attend:

  • Heads of school

  • Upper school principals

  • Curriculum directors

  • Innovation directors

  • Lead teachers of 7th-12th grade

  • Passionate Educators

Pricing: $495 for one attendee, $1,200 for three attendees from the same school

RSVP to [email protected] and secure your spot once payment is received. Act quickly as spots are limited.

Imagine your culture infused with growth mindset, grit, redefining failure, and opportunity seeking. Imagine your team acting and thinking like entrepreneurs.

Stephen Carter