Admit it—We Need Coaching

I hired a coach and the benefits include exponential personal growth

Here’s my problem—I’m the guy who knows it all. I’ve read the books, absorbed the material, seen the TED talks, and listened to the podcasts. I have pages of notes and even more pages of ideas. I attend the conferences and dutifully create action plans.

And yet, I still needed coaching.

In retrospect, I probably fall in the category of “difficult to coach” because I am a coach myself. And yet, when I took the leap last April and hired Kyle to help me develop the leadership and organizational skills necessary to grow our entrepreneurship program at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy into the greatest K-12 Entrepreneurship Program in the world (and we are well on our way!), I had no idea the level of growth that was in store.

I also had no idea how much I needed help. And that, perhaps, was my greatest revelation—I can KNOW everything in the world about leadership and organization and team collaboration, but without someone in my corner challenging and pushing me, my growth will be stunted. This revelation brought me to the following admission, and it is one born out of vulnerability:

We all need coaching

Wherever we are in our lives, we all have dreams and goals and, hopefully, an inspiring vision. And having someone come alongside us to help us stay on that path is not just a want but a need.

For those of us pursuing an entrepreneurial mindset in order to distill and share that mindset with students or coworkers or parents, coaching is essential. Take it from a guy who thought he didn’t need it and now, just seven months later, is shocked by the results.

So, in short, Let’s Go!

Alex Judd (left, Path for Growth Founder), Stephen Carter (center), Kyle Guemmer (right, my coach)

Are You Listening to the Entrepreneurial Mindset Podcast?

If not, you’re missing out…

Look, I understand the value and significance of your time and your desire to carefully choose how to spend that time. That’s why my podcast is designed to not waste any of it—time, that is.

Each episode comes in between 8 and 12 minutes and contains a key thought to help build and develop the entrepreneurial mindset. It’s applicability applies to administrators to teachers to students and everyone in between who is interested in developing the attributes of growth mindset, grit, redefining failure, and opportunity seeking.

Imagine your culture infused with growth mindset, grit, redefining failure, and opportunity seeking. Imagine your team acting and thinking like entrepreneurs.

Stephen Carter