Teaching Entrepreneurship in 4th through 8th Grade

Key Lessons and Insights for Educators

First, let’s dispel the notion that teaching entrepreneurship is about teaching students to run a business. Yes, running a business is associated with entrepreneurship, but we are shorting ourselves and our students if we allow that to be the driving goal—instead, we should encourage our students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. 

When we develop an entrepreneurial mindset, we become unlimited—yes, we can start a business and be successful. We can also work for a corporation and experience success. We can find success in our relationships, our intellectual growth, our spiritual journey, and in every area of life. This is because the entrepreneurial mindset is focused on transformation. 

And this transformation is not specific to high school age students. Teaching this mindset in earlier grades is not only incredibly gratifying, but it is often easier. When I travel to schools for professional development, I encourage all grade level teachers to attend as the principles and techniques are just as applicable to kindergarteners as high school seniors. 

Here are some ideas culled from our experience in teaching entrepreneurship to younger students (and a huge thank you to my friend and colleague Zachary Anderson for his help in charting the path with many of these ideas): 

Onsite Professional Development at Your School 

Interested in engaging and meaningful professional development for administrators and teachers to implement the entrepreneurial mindset in practical ways at every level of learning and across all disciplines? 

Available as a one or two-day option with extensive training and resources provided.

Email Stephen Carter at [email protected] to learn more!

Imagine your culture infused with growth mindset, grit, redefining failure, and opportunity seeking. Imagine your team acting and thinking like entrepreneurs.

Stephen Carter